Thursday, January 17, 2013

You are a Unique Creation!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalms 139:14 NIV)

I don’t know about you but there have been times I have let it be known to God that I am not real excited with the way things are going in my life! I can sometimes begin to look around at others noticing their strengths and thought if only… Then it hit me and hit me hard, that when we compare ourselves to others or wish we were like someone else, it’s like saying,” God you just didn’t do a good job.” It’s actually saying, “God, why did you make me subpar? Why did you make me less than (fill in your own blank)?”

It is not uncommon for this to become a place for excuses for not stepping up and using what God has deposited in you or allowed you to go though to strengthen you and build you up for the next season.

My eyes were opened when I read this section of scripture as to what is really going on and I hope it will do the same for you. Psalms 18:30-36 NASB:

As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the LORD is tried; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God, The God who girds me with strength And makes my way blameless? He makes my feet like hinds' feet, And sets me upon my high places. He trains my hands for battle, So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You have also given me the shield of Your salvation, And Your right hand upholds me; And Your gentleness makes me great. You enlarge my steps under me, And my feet have not slipped.

Realize today, God didn’t make anyone inferior. He didn’t make any person second class. No, you are a masterpiece! You are one of a kind. You are fully loaded and totally equipped for the race that’s been designed for you!

Today, let your attitude be, “I may not look like someone else or have the job that someone else has. That’s okay. Nobody will ever be a better me. I’m anointed to be me. I’m equipped to be me!” Remember, it’s easy to do what you are equipped to do. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to be like someone else. Accept who God made you to be and embrace the good things He has prepared for you! Today let’s choose to focus on who HE is and what HE has provided for us that will allow us to fulfill our destiny.


Monday, January 7, 2013

It's Your Time!

I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. (John 14:12, NLT)

I was reading this the last week of the year and with that it brought a new challenge for me and I am forwarding it to you.  Greater things than Jesus, the greatest man who had ever lived? What does that mean to us? How are we supposed to do greater things than Jesus?
Does it mean we are able to do more powerful miracles than Jesus? Have a bigger impact than Him? I don t think so. After all, I don’t know many people who have walked on water, multiplied fish and loaves to feed thousands, gave salvation to the world.

But what Jesus did do was release a greater power for us to extraordinary things on an extraordinary scale—the kinds of things that the early church saw and experienced firsthand. He still wants to do that through us today. Jesus never did or ever will call us to be greater than Him. He is calling us to be greater with Him through the Spirit that has been imparted to us.
Friends if we are guilty of anything we have underestimated His power and provision, and have lived life unsatisfied and discontent with the kind of Christ followers we are becoming. It’s not that we have become bad people but that we are wasting the potential that has been deposited in us! We are stuck in the starting blocks, or we are stuck dragging along with the pack of mediocrity. This is has the potential of being the most miserable place to live in.

There is a price to choosing to live in this place—our heart will shrivel up, our vision will be impaired, our hearing will become dull, and the simple freshness of life that puts a bounce in our step has become a limp to us.
Friend, 2013 is our time to believe that this impartation is real and we must choose to step into something greater than we ever imagined. I don’t know about but you but I am not satisfied with what I have settled for, and I am ready for God’s greater plan for my life to begin in full force.

Greater than the labels we were given when we were young.
Greater than the dreams we dreamed for ourselves.

Greater than the cynicism that settles in us as we get older.

Greater than even the greatest moments you have had this far.
The word greater will give you the confidence to know that nothing is impossible with God, the clarity to see the next step He is calling you to, and the courage to do anything HE tells us to do.

It’s in our hands. It’s Your Time!
