Thursday, February 16, 2012

Anchor Your Life in Hope!

Anchor Your Life in Hope!

We all face times when things don’t go as expected in life. Relationships seem to be breaking down. We are hit with unexpected expenses. The job or promotion we've been waiting for goes to someone else. Our health or the health of a loved one is challenged. We cannot depend on ourselves or those around us to sustain us during the rough times in life. But in the face of it all, we can hope in God. Hebrews 6:19 gives us this promise "… hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls" (NLT). The Psalms are filled with how we are to put our hope in God and God alone. “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!” (Psalms 42:11 NLT)

Hope comes from God. God’s favor and goodness give us the ability to expect great things, even when the challenges we face look overwhelming. Terri and I face the same challenges as you and we have recognized that the hope we have is entirely centered in Christ! This is not just a statement—it works. However it takes faith and focus! Making the choice to be a Christ-follower not in name only but in active relationship allows us to experience hope first hand.

Hope is not some emotional thing—it is a foundational gift that affects the way we view life. The way we speak and share life with others is a good indication of where our hope lies. James tells us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.” (James 1:19) This a practical life lesson on how to build hope by learning from God’s Word and listening to others. Life itself will always bring us back to face the hope question. In who or what do you place your hope? Hope is a requirement in our lives and without it we can sway away from our destination and focus, and slip into a place of defeat or even depression.

We know that we are called to plant seeds of hope wherever we are and in whatever we do. We have the God-given opportunity to plant seeds in our heart first then in others every day. This only happens when you and I partner together with God‘s plan. We've got to do our part. Jesus' hope was never meant to be enjoyed alone—it was intended and will always find its greatest expression when you share the story by action and word.

No one should go without hearing about how much God loves them and the hope that He has for each one of us.

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say.” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, NLT)


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Believe it or not He's working in You!

"…He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6 NIV).

Where are you? What are you doing? Do you understand who you are? “Why are you asking these questions?” you might say. Because in the midst of our busy world we can lose sight of who we are and what we are to be doing. Distraction has become the new norm. We get caught up with what happened yesterday and are preoccupied with what may happen tomorrow.

Imagine in the midst of all the challenges of life we can be living a life of peace and hope based on the confidence that God has our best interest in mind! We recognize that life is not always fair. But when God is doing a work in our lives, things can get a little uncomfortable and challenging. And sometimes it’s hard to see beyond the challenges. During this journey we may encounter people who are hard to get along with, or have circumstances that seem beyond our control. Our tendency is to complain, get angry, try to change everything around us, and voice our disappointment and dissatisfaction with what God is apparently doing in us.

Take a deep breath. Step back. Is God working in us? Or is what we are experiencing a result of our choices? Maybe we should look deep inside and say, "Lord, thank You for doing a work in me." See, I've learned over time that God is more interested in changing me than He is in changing my circumstances. If I choose to stay sour because I'm not getting my way, or discouraged because things aren't happening on my time table, that is going to keep me stuck in a vicious cycle. “[Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while [a]effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and [b] delight.” (Philippians 2:13) Amplified Bible

If you want to see change, it begins with embracing what God has put squarely in front of you, and taking positive steps towards achieving it. The question we have to answer is, “Do we want to see God open up new doors or not?” This is the key is to growing right where you've been planted. You can't wait until everything gets better before you decide to have a good attitude. You have to be the best that you can be right where you are. When you choose to grow where you're planted, you're allowing God to work in you. He will be faithful to complete what He's started in you! Where you want to be tomorrow begins with what you do today!!

Prayer: Thank You God for doing a work in me. I choose to align myself with Your plan by blooming where I'm planted. Help me, by Your Spirit, to be an example of Your love and life everywhere I go. Amen.
