What's ready to spring forth from you? Sometimes we ignore what we don't see. In my case we have lived in the same house for 14 years and recently we have been overtaken by crabgrass! Yuk that means take all the grass out and start over retill and uproot the weeds and allow it start fresh.
This is a challenging time because your front yard looks bare BUT the hope is some new grass will come in and be healthier! We sometimes are not as interested in health as we are appearance! How many seeds have gone to waste, because we were too focused on the tangible things? Transferring that to spiritual thinking what is waiting to spring forth from the seed God has planted in you? Anytime you purchase seeds, each packet has a set of instructions on how to plant it, how long it takes to germinate and how soon you'll see results.
We have the same instructions for what God has germinating in us. His Word, prayer and being led by the Holy Spirit. Yielding to God will plant it, obedience will help the germination keeping the weeds out and faith will cause it to come to pass! We just have to be patient! "Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6) One seed of love, can repair broken relationships, one seed of faith can carry us through the most difficult times in our lives. Whatever seed of destiny the Lord has placed in you, hold onto it. Don't allow anyone, any situation or circumstance steal your seed. Follow His instructions so you can watch it spring forth into a great harvest! Get used to the idea that God has a plan!
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