The fact remains that 2011 is history. For some of us we have regrets and disappointments. Fact remains, it is now history! For 2012 we are praying that you focus on a truth that can change the way you view life! You were created and fashioned by our God. He made you just the way you are, and He has a specific and amazing plan for you--a destiny for your life. I love what the Bible says in the book of Ephesians. It says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
Today, God calls you His masterpiece! You have seeds of greatness inside of you. You may be able to easily spot the greatness in others, but today I want you to see the greatness God has put in you. You have a destiny, a unique call, a special purpose that God created just for you. It’s there waiting for you. It has always been there. The Bible says that He planned it for you long ago.
It’s easy to hear it, but it can be a lot harder to actually receive it. It is easier to believe it for somebody else. You believe God’s best for your friends and the loved ones in your life. You encourage and support them as they pursue their destiny, but you struggle to receive it in your own heart. Why that happens is we tend to default to our weaknesses, areas of lack; and then we lose focus and really don’t know how to move forward. So then how do we receive His plan for us? How do we learn to live it out? How do we move forward? Well for me, I believe 2012 is going to be year where I am focused on how to “strive to thrive”--finding the truths from God’s word to make this step by step action plan! Imagine 2012 a year marked with living in complete health, spiritually, emotionally and physically! That is my hope and plan, and I pray you will join me in this process.
And today, God is saying, “it’s time!” It is time for you to start seeing yourself the way He sees you and striving to live that out daily. No matter what God has called you to, you are filled with His greatness so you may as well learn how to live in that truth! Terri and I want to encourage you to let this truth really sink in and let it change the way you think, and ultimately the way you live.

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