Thursday, March 3, 2011

Could it be that God Know our Future?...

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Ps.139:13-14 NIV)

Did you know that God has already written out the story of your life? He’s written out plans for your good, plans to prosper you, plans for peace, and allows plans for you to be stretched and challenged.

What ?? You said stretched and challenged with prosper and peace? See our molding does not just happen in the good but also when we go through negative situations. God will use everything you go through to move you forward toward that good plan. But on this path you will see Him growing you through tough times, and you will experience peace beyond words!

When things happen that we don’t understand, it’s easy to think, “Why did this happen? Why did this friend betray me? Why did this company lay me off and finding a new job is impossible? Why didn’t I get that promotion? WHY? WHY? WHY?” But you can’t let the things you don’t understand keep you stuck on the same page in the story of your life. You have to decide to turn the page so that you can see the victory waiting for you in the next chapter.

Life lesson: Many times we are harder on ourselves than anyone else could be. Sometimes we focus more on what's wrong than what's right—the outward things that we aren't satisfied with, the status we have in life, etc. But how often do we remind ourselves that we are God's creation and He said it was good? Even when we may not feel valuable, in His eyes we are valuable. Even when others complain about what we're not, God is saying what we are and what we will be, according to His plan! Even when we stray from His plan, He forgives, corrects and loves on us. What are some of the easiest ways to forget how special God made you? By comparing ourselves with others; by trying to emulate others; or by allowing someone else to make us into something God didn't. Each of us are one of a kind, hand crafted people that fit in a priceless collection called the body of Christ. Along the way we have picked up attributes that aren't His, but He's even willing to help us shed the weight of those. There's no part of us God doesn't know. Every gift, every emotion, every flaw, He knows. So, we must remind ourselves of this fact: God has never created anything worthless or that didn't have a purpose.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." (Gen 1:27)
If you are facing a difficulty today, know that God’s plan is to turn it around and use it for your good. The story of your life isn’t over! Keep moving forward, keep believing, keep hoping, keep forgiving because your days are written out for good, and it’s time to turn the page and see the blessing He has in store for your life!

Joel & Terri

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