This is what King David did. He put his hope in the Lord
in the midst of his lowest moments. Notice I said moments. He was not facing a
downtime once but he had many other challenges but did not choose to make his
home there! The spirit of heaviness attempted to choke out his hope, peace,
strength and even his dreams… But David said in Psalms 43:5 “Why are you cast
down O my soul? Hope in God.”
He was asking himself bro what is wrong with you? Why are
you discouraged? Why have you lost your joy? God is still in charge. He is
still able and capable. HE can put your hope back in the Lord! We faced this
opportunity recently and we choose to hold onto the promises of his word. They
have become medicine to our soul and our hope is stronger than ever but we
faced that moment of confusion, uncertainty, and fear.
Heaviness is real and when it tries to come up on you, do
the same thing—look in the mirror if you have to “Listen here this is what we
are dealing with… However we are not alone. God will go before us make crooked
ways straight. I choose to keep my head up so I don’t look back or down because
we are choosing to put our hope in the Lord!”
The world we live in has so much negative news reports if
you are not careful you’ll find it sinking in and taking hold of you. This is
how the spirit of heaviness comes on you subtly consuming, trying to destroy
along the path. But we must watch what we speak, hear and keep a constant check
on our attitudes.
The bible tells us what to do when this spirit of
heaviness comes upon us in Isaiah 61:3. “Put
on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” When you begin to hear
all that negativity like you have no future, it is dark, or it’s impossible
remember the word and start proclaiming it as you praise him! “God, your word declares that I have a future
and a hope ( ) that you birthed
destiny inside of me ( ). God I thank you that you declare you are
the light and I can walk in you and you will direct my steps. You are in the
middle of my steps… and things impossible with man are possible with God!”
Thank God for what he has done in the past—the small,
medium and large size things. I find it funny that heaviness tries to remind us
of our past. Out of our past can come the greatest victories and ultimately who
we are today! See our God is turning around our situations, our attitude is
believing again because we are proclaiming truth and the truth will set us
free! Bottom line, if you do this you will experience a freshness of joy, peace
and hope rising up in you. Literally I have experienced this and can on
occasion feel something building inside of me! We won’t have that victim
mentality but one of an overcomer.
Let’s choose to live in a season of Praise!